quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2025

Já disponível! United By Pain and Rage SIN OF GOD da Hungria libera novo álbum "Blood Bound"


LR: Krisztián Páncél (baixo) / Tamás Kis (guitarra) / Tamás Schupkégel (vocal) / Balázs Botyánszki (bateria)

Crédito da foto: László Varga/VARESZ.Fotó

Quarto álbum de estúdio "Blood Bound" lançado em 18 de fevereiro de 2025 pela Extius Stratagem Records

O mundo do metal agora é "Blood Bound" com o lançamento do quarto álbum de estúdio do SIN OF GOD da Hungria pela Exitus Stratagem Records. Com influências de thrash, ODM e blackened e progressive death metal, a oferta sacrificial do Sin of God " Blood Bound" agradará fãs de death metal old e new-school ao mesmo tempo. Este novo álbum completo apresenta uma coleção de variações que exibem brutalidade e suavidade. É algo que os fãs já ouviram da banda no passado, mas nunca soou assim.

"Este álbum foi um parto muito doloroso e sangrento. Blood Bound nasceu ensanguentado e espancado. Foi ferido por vírus, epidemias, guerras, poluição, estupidez, irresponsabilidade, mentiras e enganos. Mas finalmente, Blood Bound está aqui! Blood Bound é um espelho. Olhe para ele! Você verá o passado, o presente e o futuro. Blood Bound não é um álbum conceitual, mas é unido pela dor e raiva que fervem dentro de nós. Ele reflete o melhor do nosso conhecimento atual. Queríamos escrever algo simples e cru, transmitindo a mensagem claramente, mas musicalmente interessante, único e desafiador. Se você olhar para a arte do álbum, saberá exatamente o que esperar. Blood Bound é (vida e) death metal no seu melhor, não para os fracos de coração, isso é certo!" acrescenta a banda.

Recomendado para fãs de Aborted, Bloodbath, Cattle Decapitation, Cryptopsy e Psycroptic, o último álbum do Sin of God , "Blood Bound", já está disponível a partir de 18 de fevereiro de 2025 pela Exitus Stratagem Records e nos seguintes links:

Digital -

CD order -

Music Video - "No Return" -

Visualizer - "Black Waves" -

Track Listing:
1. Blood Bound (3:52)
2. Black Waves (4:16)
3. No Return (4:58)
4. The Unbelief (4:49)
5. Diabolical Agitation (7:44)
6. Obulus (3:28)
7. Cerebral Malfunction (4:02)
Album Length: 33:09

Album Credits:
Album recorded at: Denevér Hangstúdió, Hungary
Mixed and mastered by Sam Winslow/Sam Winslow Music
Album artwork by Tamás Kis

Album Band Lineup:
Tamás Schupkégel - Vocals
Tamás Kis - Guitar
Michele Gawen Augello - Bass
Balázs Botyánszki - Drums

Live Band Lineup:
Tamás Schupkégel - Vocals
Tamás Kis - Guitar
Krisztián Páncél - Bass
Balázs Botyánszki - Drums

More info: | | | |

"This isn’t just an all out sonic barrage, though. There are lulls where the “heavy” gets a chance to build before all Hell is once again let loose upon the listener. Lyrics are guttural and harsh, and the guitars have that classic deathmetal sawtooth edge to them. Sin of God manage to pack quite a few riffs in amongst the rapid-fire rhythms, and the drums are impressive. Maintaining a speedy double kick through most songs to keep you heart racing," - The Moshville Times

"“No Return” is an absolutely brutal death metal track, full of raging guitars and non-stop blast beats that create an intense and chaotic atmosphere for the whole song. The lyrics tackle addictive desires and how they can be all-consuming. At the same time, the rather disturbing lyric video sees the lyrics over a viscerally all-too-realistic image of angels and Jesus amongst devils in Hell. It’s all a classic death metal sound and imagery, and it gets really creepy." - New Noise Magazine

"The upcoming Blood Bound by Sin of God is the fourth full release from the Hungarian Extreme Metal monsters and it is the best record they have ever fucking made. It is as brutal as having a stream roller run over you, slowly crushing every bone and muscle inside your body. It’s as vicious as being dressed in a meat suit while a pack of hungry, rabid dogs are set upon you. And it’s as heavy as having concrete poured down your throat, before your corpse is thrown into the deep, dark sea. It is, quite frankly, fucking brilliant...Let’s face it, Sin of God don’t fuck about and if you’re coming to Blood Bound expecting anything other than the most extreme of metal, then you’re gonna have a bad time and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Blood Bound is a statement that Sin of God are making a claim for the Extreme Metal throne, and on the strength of this, it’s hard to see how anyone could possibly stop them." - Black Metal Archive

"It is the sound of a machine gun that immediately kick-starts the album and it comes at you courtesy of all four musicians. It is instantly clear: Blood Bound is brutal, crushing black/death metal with no hint of mercy. The singer Tamás Schupkégel deploys two tones and uses two channels to disseminate his preachy and ominous augury. The guitar is sharp. The warm drum sound and the barrage of artillery that goes boom is probably the album's highlight. The drummer loves his drum rolls and his blast beats and more power to him... Call yourself a fan of Aeon, Cryptopsy, God Among Insects or Pestilence? Exitus Stratagem has a CD for you! No wonder the cover art depicts a symphonic (so-called) 'metal' chick singer and her wimpy accolades. They are being assailed by Sin Of God and their actual metallic and symphonic music. " - 

"Hungarian Extreme Metal masters Sin Of God have signed with Exitus Stratagem Records and will present their new album, Blood Bound, next month. Something that will excite old and new-school Death Metal fans, this new album echoes brutality and softness and is a mark of the challenges faced since 2016’s Aenigmata." - Metal Talk

"I tell you that if what you are looking for are really strong emotions, this is your album. The six strings are lethal and insidious in equal measure. They cut your throat the same with sharp attacks of tremolo picking, which chill your blood with riffs darker than Lucifer's soul. The voices are angry and macabre at all times. Yes, they are even when they anecdotally decide to use narrated clean vocals. In general, there is no feeling of respite, neither in instruments nor in vocal cords. Percussion is very extremist. Fast is very fast, and so is resounding. The use of the double pedal deserves special mention. It is a submachine gun that never uses ammunition. Don't miss the initial ‘Bloodbound‘ nor ‘No Return (From Hell)‘ and ‘The Unbelief‘. ¡What savagery for Odin!" - Broken Tomb Magazine